20 Jun 2024

Limitless: The Final Frontier

Dear all, An electric-charged last night at

20 Jun 2024

Dear all,

An electric-charged last night at the homestead saw our first-ever Limitless Talent Show. You could feel the energy flow through the students and an endless circuit of passion and excitement. We were graced with sizzling performances of singing and dancing, and finished with special performances from the teachers! A message from the teachers left the students with plenty to think of as they left the dining hall. Here is the final part of the passage:

“And at the end 
If you choose to be better,
Even when everyone around you chooses not too,
If you can keep your head when all about you   
Are losing theirs,
If you can overcome tiredness and instead ~ choose kindness,
If you do the extras,
For the people in your group, 
If you choose to take the chance,
To fly with uneasy and uncomfortable emotions,
To soar, to be free,
… it might just be the start of something incredible.
I can guarantee you, 
You will be Limitless.”

The whole night was the perfect way to send off the students, buckets fill with positive emotions, on their 10 day Exped.

The next morning was a hive of activity as students hastily prepared for leaving. The dorms were a whirlwind of activity as they did last-minute packing, tidying up the dorms, a spot of community living (feeding the animals which is an all time favourite for everyone) and then rushed to meet their instructors. There was little time to feel nervous as the buses arrived promptly, and students jumped on. And with a quick wave, they were gone. Tales of adventure, grandeur and unexplored boundaries await your children.The nature of expeditions is multi-dimensional. The extraordinary beauty of Queensland in winter is unbelievably breath-taking, refreshing the mind, body and spirit, but it also brings a fresh awakening to even the hardy camper! In these pristine locations, the physical challenge is demanding, with some groups having big hiking days of 21 km – a challenging task. While the students spend time in groups, they also experience moments of solitude and reflection, which help them internalise the powerful experiences they have been part of.

Your children are exploring new frontiers in beautiful places such as Rainbow Beach, Boreen Point and the Everglades. They are also exploring new frontiers of what they are capable of. We are excited to see how the final 10 day experience transform, mould and change these malleable young adventurers.

There is only a week to go now before you see your children again – I know you are all excited for the grand reunion. Stay tuned!

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