25 Apr 2014



25 Apr 2014


Limitless is an inspirational project for Year 9 students in ESF Schools. It takes our unique approach to Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) into the dramatic and exciting environment of rural Queensland, Australia.

For six life-changing weeks during Term 3, students live, work and learn together with experienced facilitators from Higher Ground who are highly trained in interpersonal and group management skills as well as the hard skills associated with outdoor adventure.

Students learn to take the analytical skills they have learned so far in their school classroom – and apply them to solving real-life problems in a unique and unfamiliar environment.

Limitless changes lives. It will help your child grow in confidence, learn how to work individually and as part of a team – and it will challenge them in ways that will set them up for the remainder of their time in school and beyond.


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