03 Jun 2024

Two weeks down…!

It’s been a busy week at the

03 Jun 2024

It’s been a busy week at the Kenilworth homestead. Here is a snapshot of some of our moments!

Writing letters home

R&R time

Kylie and her team in the kitchen have kept us incredibly well fed, but she couldn’t do it without her willing band of HK helpers:

And they have an appreciative audience:

Those animals don’t look after themselves.  Probably the most popular morning duty is looking after our furry and feathery friends (strangely enough the washroom duty is less popular).

Big highlights were birthdays for Kathleen, Lok and Euan, with CAKES to celebrate and share with their friends:)))

In between the expeditions and activities we have Physical activity sessions in the mornings:


Movie night always goes down well after a strenuous day of activities:

During the daytime there have been lots of skills building sessions with canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking, orienteering and hiking, as well as finding out about some of the amazing local wild-life and environment.  All this was building up to their 1st activity camp on Thursday and Friday.  

Here are what some of the groups got up to on expedition:



Asking the students…what were the highlights of the week?

“The food has been so good – it has ranged from good to fantastic and there is always plenty for 2nds.  Just as well given the numbers of takers for 2nds at every meal.

 “Our facilitators (the Higher Ground staff that lead the students on all their group activities), Emily and Ashay, have been so nice, they make us feel like our group is one big family.  We are really close as a group and I hope we keep in touch once we get back to HK.  I am sure we will.”

“Everyone loved the EBL trips to town, as we got to go to the shops and buy some Aussie meat pies and sweets.”

“Eating marshmallows and singing round the campfire was really fun.”

The students are off on expedition two this week… this is how they are feeling…

“A little bit excited, but a little bit nervous too.  However, after the 1st, shorter, expedition we now know what to expect and have a much better idea of what things to pack and what is going to be useful while we are on camp.”

But have no fear, your children are in safe hands:)))

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